Sunday, June 13, 2010

May Selection #3, w/ current provisional translation


Obscurece el temor
el negro solitario
de la luna,
terciopelo o satín
que contrasta en tropel
con el pomez de marfil
hecho luz blanca.
Mi visión es así:
dualidad de mil contrastes
que adormece
obsidiana mirada
obscurecida en cada paso,
blanquecina visión
de despertares.
Soy de luna y negrura
de total claridad
que no lo sabe.


Fear is darkened
by the solitary blackness

of the moon,
velvet or satin
that contrasts, in a mad rush,
with the pumice of ivory

converted in white light.

This is my vision:
duality of a thousand contrasts
that soothes

the obsidian gaze

darkened in every step,
whitened vision

of awakenings.

I am made of moon and blackness

of total clarity

that does not know it.

--Lilyan de la Vega

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