Ai, Ayiti!
Catastrophe our own mortality
Writ large disaster—evil stars—
Karma devils fate
Propensity or just geology
Rumbling earth violent sky
Treacherous sea capricious flame
The drip drip chain of change
Or sudden snap
His Venerable Antiquity inscrutable
Plays snakes and ladders in the lounge upstairs
To the music of the spheres et
Clamor meus ad te veniat
Or is it all just atoms
Singing to themselves
Enigma Variations in continuous loop
No need to read a tarot deck
To see chateaux Descartes all out of luck
Thought taste touch smell
Sight hearing bodhi body
Corpse carrion cadaver shell
If life or death have meaning it is lost on me
I cannot tell you only watch and see
Hands held might we kind hearts together be
All onward past eternity
Knot knot knot no
Not not not know
submitted January 2010
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