life preservers
sweet life savers
rings on fingers
pink aura around
the moon
mouth shape
of surprise
mind of visions
--Joyce Pointe
life preservers
sweet life savers
rings on fingers
pink aura around
the moon
mouth shape
of surprise
mind of visions
--Joyce Pointe
Moisture Becomes Us
birds are languid
in this air damp
like the ocean
the rain outside
rattles and taps;
in the chair
the glottal cat
eaves drip here,
in Spain, and everywhere
deep in a cave
a large drop fills
languid, without meaning;
fallen-away cares
--Ellen Skagerberg
Bay St. Louis Triptych (Mississippi)
daredevil seagulls
dive into saltwater
mercury Gulf
mud-orange oil at the waterline
flies on catfish
ocean morning
turning sideways to the wind
the great rushing recedes
--Ellen Skagerberg
Inevitable y Luna
Eres una ausencia blanca y luminosa
Tan presente que pareces cercana
Pero estás lejos y tan inalcanzable
Convertida en anhelo desde siempre
Tan fugaz, tan perenne y pasajera
Tu me llenas tan sólo de mirarte
Y no eres suficiente nunca, Luna.
Cómo hacemos con esta inconsistencia
Eres todo y la nada en cada instante
Mariposa de hielo que no alcanzo
Luminosa caricia que me abraza
Eres mi paradoja favorita
El espejo más fiel de mi inconstancia
La constancia más fiel de mis deseos
Si tan sólo no huyeras sigilosa
Si pudiera tocar tu rostro de ángel
Pero no puedo nunca retenerte
Atrapar tu blanquÃsima substancia
Eres libre ineludiblemente
Y, qué irónico, yo soy tu esclava.
--Lilyan de la Vega
Inevitable Moon
You are a blank, luminous absence
With such a presence that you appear close
But you are far—and unreachable
Turned, as always, into deep longing
So fleeting –perpetual—passing
Merely with looking at you, I am fulfilled
And you are never enough, Moon.
What are we to make of this inconsistency
You are all--and you are the void--at the same instant
Icy butterfly that I can’t touch
Luminous caress embracing me
You are my favorite paradox
The faithful mirror of my own inconstancy
The faithful constancy of my own desires
If you only didn't flee so furtively
If I could touch your angelic face
But I am never able to keep you
Hunt down your white substance
You are inevitably free,
And ironically, I am your slave
--trans. by Deanna Hopper and Lilyan de la Vega